Adding a “Click To Chat” WhatsApp link to your app

Follow the instructions below to add a direct link to your WhatsApp within your app. Your app users would able to send you a WhatsApp message without having to save your number in his/her contact list.

1) Log into your Control Panel and select Features from the left-hand-side of the screen or the middle of the screen.

2) Click the click the app page (Custom Page you created) that you would like to add the link to.

3) Click the Text button to add a text block.

4) Click the Source button that’s on the text block.

5) Paste the following code below.  Be sure to change “91X…” to your WhatsApp number.

<a href=”#” onclick=”‘’, ‘_system’, ‘location=yes’); return false;”>Click to Chat</a>

6) Click Save.

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